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Mentoring & Coaching

I love to develop people. As a certified systemic coach I usually analyze people's communication styles and their level of introversion & extraversion and take it from there. Mentoring & Coaching is not only about helping people grow and reach their full potential. It also gives me so much energy back. If you are interested in mentoring or coaching please contact me.


"Life on Stage" Hamburg

As a Christian I support Gabriel Häsler's musical tour "Life on Stage" that will be performing in Hamburg's Sporthalle this autumn (31.10. - 04.11.23). If you are interested about the musical please click on the link on the right side or contact me for further information.


Race for Charity | Ironman70.3
- anything is possible?

I really enjoy get my head clear during endurance sports. So I already look forward to this year's Triathlon season. So far I have planned to participate in one Olympic Distance (OD) in Hamburg (HH Wasser World Triathlon) and an Ironman 70.3 later this year in Duisburg. Let's see if I can break my personal record from 2019!? I will keep you posted how this will go. For each km raced this year I will donate 1 US Dollar for a social cause.This year it will be charity:water. If you want to support my campaign, please feel free to double the amount.

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